Monday, June 2, 2008

The Dark Side

I've officially made the change over to the Dark Side.

No no no no... I didn't move to Canon (fools!!); I love my Nikons way too much for that silly switch. But I did make the switch from PC to a MacBook Pro!!! I'm officially part of the Apple revolution, but don't expect me to give up my precious Windows... oh no no no. I will just be a dual user. It sounds too evil doesn't it?

Funny story as to how I ended up with this super computer...

My dad. Oh my dad is a funny man. And I bet every woman out there can relate to this story.

I hate it when I'm talking to my husband and he's distracted by the computer. It's just a bunch of 'Uh-huh' without him REALLY paying attention. Well, my dad is JUST as guilty! I can always tell when he's distracted, because he cuts me off in mid-conversation and says "That sounds great. Thanks so much for calling. Bye!"

And then he just hangs up.

Well, he got caught last week!

His boss out shopping and buying a new Mac for his daughter. He was impressed with all the pricing and called my dad to ask if he wanted a new Mac. Well, my dad, for those of you who don't know, works in IT and has about 3 computers working at all times; at home, at work, and on vacation... well on vacation he takes it down to only one; so needing a Mac wasn't completely out of the question. Anyway, Dad wasn't exactly paying attention and replied "Uh-huh, sounds great. Thanks for calling. Bye!"

Later than afternoon a brand new MacBook Pro showed up on his desk.

Then he had to tell my mom.

Suffice to say she wasn't too pleased with his new purchase... nor my father who wasn't listening when he agreed to buy a very expensive little machine.

So I ended up with a brand new MacBook Pro.

I guess there are worse things in life... right?



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