Today we celebrated Maggie's 2nd Birthday! It's hard to believe that she is already 2, time really does move that fast; as any parent will attest. Birthday's of your child take on an entirely different meaning when you sit back and reflect upon all that has changed in your life and how happy you are to make the necessary changes to accomodate such a little life. Jason and I often times find ourselves dancing around the house, or just doing something silly (such as singing the lyrics to
Curious George) and realizing that never did we picture those moments 10 years ago!
Truly, this little kid is a blessing. Jason and I just love her with all our hearts and souls!
We had a small little party for her today. Jason has been gone the last week to a fire in Davenport, WA and was unfortunately unable to be at the party, but that didn't stop the festivities. Grandma, Grandpa, Gammy, Steve, Grandpa Goat, Bill and Amber all joined us for BBQ and then some birthday cake.
Here are a few raw snapshots of the festivities!
My mom made a quilt for Maggie right after she was born. This is her 2-year-old quilt and it includes a needlepoint section that has all the pet names we call Maggie. Jason and I call her Mabster and Piggie; My parents call her Cutie, Angel Girl and Little Squirt; My father-in-law calls her Margaret. Isn't my mom just incredibly awesome for memorializing those little things forever?!
And I'm not sure exactly how this happened... but I asked my dad to take a picture of me and Maggie together (since we never seem to get too many) and the time stamp on this was 4:39pm. Which is ironic because she was born at 4:39pm!!
Last, bit not least, meet Moose! Moose is 10 weeks old chocolate lab who just joined Bill & Amber on Friday. He is about as adorable as they come... I think I'm in love!
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